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Found 3835 results for any of the keywords legislative and. Time 0.009 seconds.
History | NRA ExploreThe NRA has been the premier firearms education organization in the world. From training the next generation of gun owners to leading legislative and political efforts to defend the Second Amendment, the NRA is at the fo
Government Relations - eBay Inc.The eBay global Government Relations team represents the interests of all our businesses before governments around the world through legislative and regulatory work, asset protection, and global commerce policy thought l
AHRI Policy Symposium | AHRIAHRI Policy Symposium invites members, distributors, and contractors to address our industry s legislative and regulatory priorities with Congress.
State Recognition | The Joint CommissionThe Joint Commission actively monitors state legislative and regulatory activities for the purpose of identifying additional opportunities for state reliance on Joint Commission accreditation/certification.
Washington County Florida County CommissionThe Washington County Board of County Commissioners serves as the legislative and policy-setting body for Washington County government.
ACI Global Educational Organisations Management SystemISO 21001 EOMS/CBMS ISO 21001:2018 Certified Organisation
WSBA HomeThe Washington State Bar Association s home on the Internet. Our newly redesigned site offers information on becoming a licensed legal professional in Washington and member benefits.
EFF's Staff and Contributors | Electronic Frontier FoundationPlease be respectful of the time of our attorneys. Direct all legal inquiries, not to the individual attorney, but to All inquiries will be routed to For expedited responses to media inquiries
Greater Knoxville Hospitality AssociationGREATER KNOXVILLE HOSPITALITY ASSOCIATION Dedicated to Enhancing the Economic, Legislative, Social Interests of its Members Greater Knoxville Hospitality Association is a non-profit membership organization for hotel/mot
Agile transformation: How federal agencies can speed up services and cAgile is opening the door to improved collaboration, streamlined services and mission success.
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